I was married and had five children ranging from 4 months old to 16 years when I found out I was pregnant. After the delivery of our fourth child and me hemorrhaging uncontrollably, we found out I had placenta accreta. My heart stopped twice and I ended up needing a 4 bag blood transfusion plus a 24 hour drip of pitocin and antibiotics. Two years later I became pregnant again and I was considered high risk due to my accreta history. At 8 months, via ultrasound, they found that an accreta was beginning to form and induced me.

When my baby was 4 months old, I found out I was pregnant again. How?? We’d only had sex a few times since the baby was born and had used condoms each time. Regardless. I knew immediately I would have an abortion. For me, there was no other option. It was too risky for me to go through a delivery again and between us both working and having five children, our plates were full. I am grateful for having had the ability to safely and affordably terminate my pregnancy. I will never regret my decision.