I was at my lowest. I was 19.

I had met this boy on instagram. We had been texting for a few months. And one night, I was bored so I thought, why not invite him over to hang out. Sex wasn’t even on my mind. But once he got there, the vibe changed and one thing lead to another. We ended up having sex. I didn’t realize it but he didn’t pull out.

Two or three weeks later, my body felt off. Something wasn’t right. I took three or four tests. Each and every one came back positive. My heart dropped. I was scared and I was in denial. I told him, of course, and he was stuck on keeping it. But I knew when I found out, that wasn’t the correct decision for me. I’m young. I was not mentally or financially stable enough to bring a child into this world. When I told him I wasn’t keeping it, he blocked me.

I was lucky enough to have a supportive cousin who helped me with my abortion. Although I did go through the physical process alone, I’ll forever be grateful of my cousin.