I had an abortion in 2007. I was 15 years old. When I found out I was pregnant I called my boyfriend at the time and his parents and him came over. His family had a strong catholic faith. My parents stood by my side and let them know they would be able to share their opinions but the choice was mine. My boyfriend and I decided together to terminate the pregnancy. My family and his family seemed supportive. He came to all my appointments.  It was not until months down the line I became a scapegoat for some major catholic guilt. Our young relationship did not survive such a difference in ideology but I know his family and him felt tremendous relief and are living lives they were not going to live if I had gone through with the pregnancy. He is married now with two beautiful daughters and I am married with 3 boys of my own. I am happy we are living the lives we are and are both happy and in healthy relationships. I’m forever grateful for my parents and I hope his family have found peace.