I had an abortion several years ago when I accidentally got pregnant and was not in a financial, physical, or emotional position to raise a child. I am so happy I did, it saved my life. At that time, I did not know what I wanted to do with myself, I was in a toxic relationship, and I was unhappy and broke. Free of the burden of having a kid to raise I could unstick myself from that situation and find my own way. I now have a good life – I am happy, in a wonderful relationship with a new partner, have a creative career that I feel inspired by, am paying off debt, can afford to take care of chronic health problems, and have never regretted having an abortion. The only thing I regret about it is not telling anyone at the time, other than my ex, and feeling so alone. If I have a kid now, I will be the best mother I can be because I am becoming the best version of myself, I won’t be stuck with a guy I needed to free myself from.