I have two amazing children with my husband. Both boys, I prayed for boys through both pregnancies, eight years apart. Thankfully, something heard my pleas.

But the second pregnancy took so much out of me; of us. Physically, mentally and emotionally.  We were not where we needed to be to grow out family again when I took a pregnancy test and had it be positive. I cried and thought about hiding it from my partner. In the end, I handed him the test and watched his face change to match what I knew in my gut: we cannot do this again and remain a healthy family.

My husband is a recovering Catholic, those ideals still ingrained in him, to the point that we opted out of genetic testing when carrying my youngest. When he agreed that we needed to terminate this unexpected pregnancy, I had the confirmation I wanted that my decision was the right one for us.

Yes, there are days when I wonder…but I NEVER regret our decision. I had an abortion and I would do it again.