I often feel like my story is generic. I was 22 years old. Fresh out of college with no job and no plan.  My future was wide open. I was (still am) in a loving relationship with a wonderful man who was/is nothing but supportive.  My mom supported me, my dad supported me and my friends supported me.  But it was a while before I supported myself.  I had to learn that at the end of the day it’s a personal journey I had to go through. I know I made the right decision.  To this day I have never regretted my choice.  But I think about it all the time.


But then I found SYA.  I love reading everyone’s stories.  I learned that everyone has a story, they are all important and so is mine. I am part of a group of strong, powerful women who took control.  I feel powerful that I took control.  And I look forward to my future that I get to plan.

(thank you for giving me this space to reflect)