I got pregnant about a year ago. My boyfriend and I were only together for about 5 months when I found out I was pregnant. It all happened so fast. I remember one night feeling like I was pregnant because I was over a week late. We knew that ultimately abortion would be the right choice for us because I was still in college and he already had a child from a previous relationship. The experience was hard and difficult.I chose to go with the medical abortion because I knew that surgical wasn’t something I wanted. I drove down to an abortion clinic almost an hour and a half from where I lived. All I remember was older people outside the clinic by the street with their signs. I couldn’t even pull in I went around the corner and called my boyfriend crying because I never thought people actually protest like that. It was definitely true. When I had enough courage to pull up to the building I was by myself and the doctor that would be giving me my ultrasound and the pills was pretty rude. Let’s just say I walked out crying because they couldn’t give me my ultrasound because my bladder wasn’t full. I was upset and wanted it to be over. Luckily I scheduled an appointment to come in the next day at a clinic near me. I took the first pill along with a pain killer and had to wait to take the next set of pills. When the day came to finish the rest of the pills I was pretty nervous. I didn’t know what to expect since I would be taking them late at night. The cramping and bleeding didn’t start until after 12 o’clock in the morning. I woke up out of my sleep and went straight to the bathroom. I knew by then I had passed everything. It was pretty traumatizing but I felt relief. Still to this day I don’t feel good about my decision but I know I needed to do this. Everyone’s story is different and I’m glad I can share mine.