Nine years ago, when I was 19, I chose to have an abortion. I was in school (studying to get my nursing degree), working a part-time job, and had gotten out of a very bad relationship just a few months before. After my ex-boyfriend and I broke up, he really wanted to catch up on his birthday. I obliged. He was in a mood, I had one drink and when I came to, he and his roommate were taking turns raping me. Afterward, I crawled around in the dark looking for my clothes, drove home sobbing, and couldn’t get out of bed for days. I put the assault in the back of my mind.

Seven weeks later I found out I was pregnant with the date of the assault matching. The abortion was the easy part. The aftermath of depression, dropping out of school, and using drugs and alcohol to cope was unbearable.

Although this road has been hard, I’ve never once regretted my decision to have one. I’m sober, back in school to get my nursing degree, and have a wonderful road ahead of me. Every day I’m thankful that I was able to choose the future that was meant for me.

Abortions are good. They will always be good.