• I thought I was with the greatest guy. But then I got pregnant. That’s when I knew I wasn’t with the right guy at all. It was 2017, and at that time I was able to get to the 1 out of 2 abortion clinics in my area, Augusta, Ga. I spent half a pay check, drove myself and could not be happier as I have continued to live an amazing life. I would have gone to the Planned Parenthood but everyday it was full of protesters outside shaming people and in a really not great part of town.
  • I waited for HOURS in the clinic waiting room because the doctor had to be snuck in the back and all procedures had to be rushed and done in two hours because he had to drive hours away to another clinic in Georgia because I believe he was one of a less than handful of doctors performing abortions in Georgia. I was with some of the most underprivileged women I have ever seen in that waiting room. Many who had driven hours and said they were sleeping in their cars because they could not afford overnight lodging. That will haunt me forever, not the actual procedure itself.
  • As horrible as those conditions were, they were better than what is happening and will happen now in Georgia since the recent law. Those girls will have to drive for many more hours out of state. It’s demeaning and inhumane.