I had my abortion when I was 16. I fell pregnant by my boyfriend and when I told him I was pregnant he abused me with his actions and his words. Called me derogatory names even though he was involved in the making of it just as much as I was. I felt so stressed after he left me. My family have no money for us let alone a whole other human.  I had originally planned to carry it full term and put it up for adoption but I chose to terminate my pregnancy. First of all the foster & adoption system are a joke. They do more harm than better. Secondly carrying a full term pregnancy would have ruined my life. I would’ve lost my internship  and would’ve had to drop out of Sixth form (UK school). Thankfully I didn’t because now I’m in my 2nd year of studying my A-Levels and plan to go to a high ranked university in the future. None of this would’ve been able if I gave birth.