Have my son almost killed me. Mentally and physically. Bringing him into the world was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.. until now.


I found out I was pregnant after Plan B failed. Having more children was never part of my plan. The feeling of defeat when the test turned positive brought me back to all the worst memories of my son’s birth and first two years of his life. I immediately knew I did not want this pregnancy. I knew I didn’t want to relive or go through any of that again. Thankfully due to where I live, I was able to order the medications to terminate the pregnancy online and have them delivered to my home.


The process was hard and scary, but worth the relief I feel now. Knowing I’m not forced into bringing a life into the world that I would resent gives me peace but also such sadness for what is happening in so many parts of the country. My mental health is a big priority in my life and having a baby would have jeopardized that. I’m not sad. I don’t regret my decision. I’m at peace.


Just because I can afford to have more children, can provide for more children and am able to get pregnant does not mean I have to have more children. I’m so grateful for the choice.