I knew I was pregnant straight away even before my period was meant to come. I was 17 when I got pregnant and I love my boyfriend, he’s incredible and understanding and was there for everything. I had a few issues sorting out my abortion due to the fact that I none of my friends could drive. Luckily my friend had a boyfriend who could. My abortion was moved from a place 20 minutes away to an hour away as the clinic close to me shut due to coronavirus.

Anyway I had a medical abortion and the process was a struggle mentally for me as I didn’t have access to support. I dealt with the emotions by myself. I had my boyfriend there but it was just difficult being away from each other and dealing with everything myself. 3 months ago I had a small memorial to help and I was able to say goodbye. It’s coming up to 4 months and I’m doing so much better with lockdown starting to reduce. I’ve been able to get support and deal with saying goodbye and knowing what I done was best.  I’ll still love my baby I always will.