I found out I was pregnant when I was 23 and had been with my partner for 6 years. At this point in my life, I was still in school and had 2 more years to complete my partner and I both live at home and when we found this news out it was at the hospital because I was so sick. When the doctor told me I felt everything around me collapse I was terrified because I never thought this would happen to me before I was fully ready. It was an isolating feeling to feel so sick and to know I had the decision to make. I made sure to surround myself with the right people that I could fully trust to be there to fully support and understand me, I was very lucky with that aspect. When I went in for the abortion I was terrified, I thought to myself am I going to regret this?

After the abortion was done I had a large feeling of relief, and for the next few days I was so relieved but I felt that maybe I shouldn’t be feeling relief. I began to second-guess myself and that made it extremely hard on me. After a few weeks, I felt so much better and I no longer felt the way I did because I made sure to reach out to places to help me. I now look back at this and realize that this was the right choice for me, I am now working my dream job and my relationship is amazing and my overall life seems to be going well. I realized that this choice helped me become the person I am now and although I still think back to it from time to time. I know that this was the right choice and that I have nothing to be ashamed of. I will one day have a family and I will be able to give them the life I knew I wouldn’t have been able to before. I know whole heartily that I made the right choice even though it was a hard decision and the feelings that came after it was hard. It has made me into a stronger person.