I had an abortion 3 years ago. I had just got out of a relationship with my daughter’s father. My daughter was only a year old. I dated a friend as a rebound and I got pregnant six months into the relationship. I was 24 years old, living with my abusive parents. I was jobless. I had no support system for my daughter. I didn’t have a car or a license. I was at rock bottom and pregnant. I didn’t want another baby and I didn’t want to be with my child’s father. He refused to be any part of the abortion. I left him.. reached out to my brother for help who was there for me over everything. He drove me to baby sitters for my daughter, to and from the abortion.

Two weeks later, I moved into my aunt’s house. I got a job. I got an apartment. I moved on my own with my daughter. Having that abortion was the best decision I could make for myself and my daughter at the time. I don’t regret it in any shape or form. Finding out I was pregnant with that man’s child made me become very disgusted with him. I realized my true feelings towards him and I ran as fast as I could.

Fast forward to my current situation. I’m now 28 years old. I have a 5 year old daughter and I had a 1 year old little boy a year ago who I was sure about having from the second I seen the positive pregnancy test. I work for a hospital now. I have a car. I have a license. I have a three bedroom house. I am proud of myself. I believe having that abortion was a blessing in disguise. It made me get my life together and to strive hard for my child I already did have.

Later on I found out the guy I got pregnant by was arrested for sexually abusing his girlfriend’s daughter. He is now on his way to prison. With all of that being said I dodged a bullet. I will never regret that choice. I look back and I know i did the right thing. That choice was very difficult at the time but I am forever grateful i was strong enough to go through with it.

If your story is anything like mine, I promise. You will be okay. Making this decision is tough. It is emotional. But when you feel in your gut it’s the right choice for you. Please run with it. It will all work out in the end.

Do what is best for you. Not anyone else. YOU. Not what the child’s father says. Not what your mother says. Not what your best friend says. Do what you need to do for YOU.