I was 2 months away from college graduation. I went over to my boyfriend’s house, thinking for the final time. We sat downstairs and I told him it was time for us to end things. Knowing my period was due that day, but didn’t show, I asked him if he still had that extra test from a scare 2 months before. I took the test for peace of mind. The results shook me, thought it was a dream. Together, he and I decided it was best to abort. We stayed broken up. Panicked I called my sister for financial support and a shoulder to cry on. She helped me with everything and more. I called my mom later that week to tell her and her words comforted me more than she’ll ever know, “Oh honey, I have been there… more than once”.

I was only 4 weeks along, so the medicinal pill was my choice. I had my abortion in my sorority house. 50 girls lived around me and there I was bleeding alone in silence. I kept it a secret from everyone, but my roommate who cried with me and let me talk about the shame I felt.

It has now been 5 months and I’m ready to write this down. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about the secret inside of me. Does everyone know? Do they care?

But the one thing I am sure of everyday, this was without a doubt the right decision for me.