For most of my life, my parents told me they had a miscarriage before I was born, would’ve been in the early 80s. My dad told me a few years ago that they had an abortion, not a miscarriage. It was a hard, difficult time in life for them and they were not ready for a child.

I am a prospering, independent, fierce woman. My parents gave me a life of love, learning, open mindedness, and a zest for life. My mom has never talked about the abortion, she may never.

I get emotional and upset when people talk about “the life that was lost” or “the child that could’ve been” as a defense for being “pro-life.” What about me? I would not be here without that abortion. I hope my mom can shout it to the rooftops one day, if she wants. I’m proud of and grateful for my parents and the hard decisions they had to make. I want all women and future parents to have the same options to live the life they want.