I was 25. Married, 2 young school age kids & I was sick. I mean SICK. I went to the ER where I found out I was pregnant. The spouse & I talked it over; I KNEW something wasn’t ‘right’ about this pregnancy. So I made my choice. We had to postpone the appointment as a few days later, I was admitted back into the hospital. This time with a SEVERE kidney infection, close to shutting down. The doctor was concerned about my pregnancy. I told her not to be, and what I decided. You could tell she was relieved (as the dr could give me stronger antibiotics to get me well). We had a family friend watch the kids as the clinic was over 2 hrs away. It wasn’t the most comfortable experience, I will admit. However, I believe it saved my life. Later, I learned, with that type of infection, the child would have been ‘lucky’ just to be deaf & blind- IF I would have made it. To this day, I have NO doubt that abortion saved my life, and prevented my kids from growing up poor & motherless.  It isn’t for everyone, but it WAS my choice.