I was a college sophomore when I found out I was pregnant. I was not in a serious relationship at the time. I told the guy, he was upset (obviously). He was not supportive, though he did take me and help pay for it.  It messed me up pretty badly for about a year and a half, but then I went on with my life. The guy and I didn’t talk much, I was resentful of how he treated me.

Fast forward years later – I’m in my 30s, married and trying to have a child. I was unable to get pregnant despite trying everything – it was devastating and brought back a lot of feelings about the abortion. I felt like it was the universe getting back at me for what I’d done. Eventually, I adopted a little boy and became a mom – on my terms, when I was ready.

Having an abortion was the right choice for me at that time. I still grieve that child – I’ve never forgotten. But I don’t regret my decision either.