I had an abortion in 2015. I was 22. The guy I was dating and I had only been together a month before I found out I was pregnant. He was a “it doesn’t feel good without a condom” type asshole. Anyway, fast forward to now, 2023, and my abortion was the best decision I ever made for myself. But I’m married now, and we’re struggling to get pregnant.


I sometimes hate my body for randomly getting pregnant on some guy’s inability to pullout in a timely manner, but won’t get pregnant when I want to. It’s a struggle, but I still wouldn’t change my decision for the anything. I have two degrees, own a home, have an amazing husband, and we have three of the best dogs ever. And if that’s all we ever end up having by the end of our lives, then all our fur babies we have from now till then will get to live their best lives and never know suffering.