Abortion is Normal Taboo

‘…rate of conceptions leading to abortion among [UK] women aged 20-24 was 33.2% in 2017

  • telegraph.co.uk

I was 24. Healthy. Housed.

Happy with my partner.

Not raped, not in danger:


Not justified.


I knew I was pregnant

When the smell of frying oil

Made me




And the night would wake up in the middle of me,

Sobbing, shaking, sweat-stinking.

My whole body was one big NO.




mothers reabsorb puppies into their body

Up to over halfway through gestation,

Based on infection, threat or environmental stress.




I might be, but I believe that the soul

Attached to those cells

Was unconditionally forgiving, not at all




Better than me, of course; divine.

We made sweet peace, I chose release and relief.

I chose wolf mother. I chose me.


And yet


the world still hasn’t

Made peace with me, or my many sisters

With our pro-me choices.