People who slut shame those who have an abortion can go fuck themselves. The problem isn’t sex, the problem is that the man who impregnated me refused to wear a condom even when I tried to convince him he needed to. “BuT tHaT dOeSnT fEeL gOoD” He would always complain. The problem is that he knowingly came inside me without a care as to what the consequences of that may be. And why should he care about the consequences, he wouldn’t have to be the one to deal with them. The problem is that my birth control failed. I’m the one who went through the emotional turmoil. I’m the one who was a devastated wreck. I’m the one who had to make the appointment even when I hate phone calls, they give me anxiety. I’m the one who had to go to the clinic, alone and scared, to get verbally assaulted by protestors I tried desperately to tune out. I’m the one who went through the physical pain of the abortion and the financial burden and stress it put on me because he did not help pay for it at all. Not a cent. I always thought it was funny I paid for the abortion all by myself so that he wouldn’t have to pay child support for the next eighteen years. All that being said, I’m so grateful I was able to access that pill and have an abortion. I cannot and do not want to imagine my life if I was unable to access that crucial medical care.  I’m so glad and grateful I don’t have that man’s child. I’m so glad and grateful I don’t have a child at all. I wasn’t ready to be a parent. Emotionally or financially I am in no way shape or form cut out for parenthood. Maybe someday, but not now or any time soon.