I had a late term abortion which I’m still mentally suffering about 1 month later. I needed to take the hardest and most selfless decision of my life. My fiancé at the time was unstable – each time we would fight he would tell me to go get an abortion and that he didn’t want to have a baby. I would book an abortion and then he would change his mind a few days later or tell me to go do it alone. During the whole relationship he was always shouting at me and putting me down. I was honestly really scared for my future and for the future of my baby girl because I knew we couldn’t count on him. One evening at 5 months pregnant he decided to kick me out of the house and told me I had 30min to leave his place. He then told me he didn’t care about me or the baby and that he wouldn’t be there for us that I was free to go get an abortion. That day I took a flight and went home, I was mentally weak, destroyed and drained that I then decided to have an abortion because it wasn’t fair of me to keep a baby that might not even be recognized by her daddy. That has a father who’s not a role model and who doesn’t treat his mother well. In 5 months he didn’t come to a single baby appointment, he always made excuses or would go out the night before and get drunk – one night he even brought a girl home in my bedroom… The list is long… and then I had to follow his carb free and dairy free diet… It was the hardest decision of my life. I miss my baby every day – but I did what was right.