I got an abortion. I got an abortion after an unexpected pregnancy. An unexpected pregnancy that I ended up hoping for a future with. After experiencing intimate partner violence, I felt it was best to eliminate the chance of a tumultuous future for any potential child.

The procedure was truly one of the most horrifying and painful experiences I have ever had.

I almost left several times but I stayed in that room because I felt that I made a commitment to do what was best for me. I felt like I was betraying my intuition but I also didn’t want to be tied to an unpredictable man for the rest of my life. I am saddened by the outcome and I do truly miss what was taken from me.

I know that not any one experience is similar but I hope this story helps even one person feel not so alone. I do not view this experience in a negative light. 

I am eternally grateful to my close friends. I couldn’t do this without you.

Planned parenthood is an essential part of our healthcare system and we must continue to work towards accessible care for all.