I have a beautiful life. A husband who loves and respects me. Two funny, beautiful, sassy, smart kids.  I have a career that I love. A career that affords my family the privilege to have one stay at home parent. A career that allows me to live in a lovely community. I have health insurance and own a home. I am so very lucky and so privileged. I would have none of this if it were not for the abortion that I had at 19. I was so lucky- it was safe and legal. My mom was by my side, my family was supportive. It was hard and painful and sad. But I never once regretted it. Not when I got pregnant 3 more times and had 3 miscarriages. I wanted those babies so badly, but I was still grateful that I was able to have an abortion. I never thought that I would have to worry that this fundamental right would ever be denied my future children. I am heartbroken.