I’ve always imagined what it feels like to see two positive lines appear on a pregnancy test after several minutes of tense anticipation. Hollywood portrays women jumping up and down in excitement and crying in disbelief. Considering I had an IUD, I can relate to the disbelief, but certainly not the overwhelming joy.

I knew immediately I needed to get an abortion. I was 24, in debt from grad school, and living in Italy. The man involved was a dear friend, but would not have made a good father. While I so desperately wanted to become a mother, I knew I couldn’t provide the upbringing my child deserves.

The barriers to receiving a medical abortion in Italy are quite high. I had to see two doctors, undergo a mandatory weeklong waiting period, and spend an entire day in the hospital. Although the process was cumbersome, I’m thankful I was able to receive the care I needed.

It’s been six months and, even though some days are difficult, I’m still confident in my decision. I have ambitious hopes for my future and know that when the time is right I will get the opportunity to try parenthood on my own terms.