My son just turned one a few weeks ago. I love motherhood. I love every minute of being his mom. I had an abortion five years ago, pre-childbirth it was an easy decision to make- young, unstable, carefree.

Having my son changed the “ease” of that experience. Five years later I thought a lot about the mother I would have been, and now here I am again. A one night stand turned into two positive lines on a test I took this Monday. Just yesterday I sat along side a dozen other women in a clinic, many mothers like me, and took the medical abortion pill.

The circumstances in my life are not conducive to having another child. I know instinctively that the next 9 months would be full of heartache, hurt and loneliness. I know that this was the right decision for myself, my son and my future. I hope time allows for healing, and I hope to be a mother again when the time is right.