At the tender age of 16 I found myself pregnant by a boy I barely knew. I was promiscuous. I lost my virginity at 13 and played fast and loose with my sexuality as I was not constrained by the horrifying notion that my sexuality was a bad thing. Unfortunately, I was also not educated in birth control which is how I found myself in this predicament.

I was going to keep it. Another girl my age found out she was also pregnant and we made plans to live together and raise our kids and it was going to be wonderful.

Again, I was 16. I had no job, no high school diploma, no way to support myself but that didn’t matter. Luckily my mom stepped in and saved me from my own foolishness.

You see, my mom was made a mother 3 days after her 16th birthday. She was already married to my dad by the and as a southern girl didn’t see a problem with having kids at such a young age. That experience gave her the perspective to know that she didn’t want that life for me. She knew how hard it would be.