At our daughter's high school graduation.

My husband and I already had two young daughters when I had my abortion. We had just gotten to the point where both of our kids were in school and I was able to work more when our birth control failed. I didn’t want more children and I’ve never regretted my decision. I haven’t hidden the fact that I’ve had an abortion, but I’ve been selectively forthcoming. I have family members who are “pro-life” and I’ve occupied this strange headspace where I simultaneously feel sorry for their ignorance, but also fear their judgment, so I’ve talked generally about abortion, not personally. With all of the attacks on women’s health, I’m more afraid that other women won’t (because some already don’t) have the same choices I did. My daughters are teenagers now and I want them to have the same rights that I did.  My abortion was good for me and it was good for my family. It was safe. It was professional. It was accessible. All women deserve the same.