Well me getting pregnant was something unexpected and something I never thought would happen at such a time. Being 21 with your whole life ahead seems like a pretty settled thing unless you suddenly have a baby in you and you don’t know anymore what to do with it. Getting pregnant through an not so responsible guy is tough. I don’t regret getting pregnant but yeah I do regret the abortion but I think that I wouldn’t have wanted to bring a baby in my life where I can’t give her/him an environment of happy parents or the support the kid needed. It’s been a tough process and an early pregnancy  and abortion has being just too tough. People don’t try to understand your choice or they don’t try to understand how it feels and you can expect nil to that. They only thing I expect is that everyone who went through this are tough women and I am proud of me and all those who made a choice for their betterment since no one can understand you better than yourself.